Who Are The Top Players & What Roles Will They Play During The Season?
Christopher Nelson Making A Difference All Over The Field

Sometimes a change in location can do wonders – and that has been the case for so many – in every walk of life.

No matter if it’s your job or association with a sports team, moving to a different location is often healthy.

While there are those who may be able to flourish for an extended period of time at one place, others feel refreshed and renewed by a change of location.

In high school football, especially in south Florida, it has now become a tradition for moves being made for so many different reasons.

When a college scholarship is at stake and many believe that moving to a different school will enhance their chances, there is very little that can be said. That is indeed a move, dictated by the need to attain a scholarship.


PLAYER: Christopher Nelson


SCHOOL: Miami Carol City

CLASS: 2021

HEIGHT: 5-11


SCOUTING: When this quality and versatile football talent came to Carol City a year ago from Dr. Krop, the mission was to get playing time at multiple positions with a program that was one of the favorites in 4A.

From the time he left in the summer, Nelson was one of those prospects that the Chiefs used in so many roles. With his speed, athletic ability and chance to become a huge force, he made quite a contribution.

What football fans in south Florida uncovered was perhaps one of the most impressive prospects around – and outside of a few people and coaches, very few knew about him.

Playing for the South Florida Express this winter/spring, Nelson is indeed a player who colleges will flock to in the spring – and that is something that this talented young man is embracing.

No matter where they line him up, he will shine – as he showed as a running back, receiver and in the defensive secondary.

While a move is not always good for everyone, Nelson has made the most of his many opportunities and has come through in a major way.



For the past 50 years, we have spent more time on football fields than anyone in the country. From games to practices, camps, combines and 7-on-7 events, nobody has evaluated more football talent than we have – and as we are in the midst of a pandemic like no other time before – we will remain steadfast to promote all south Florida’s high school football prospects. Follow us on Facebook (Larry Blustein) Instagram (@OurBoyBlu) and Twitter (@larryblustein). Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..